Towing Laws
City of Los Angeles
Tow truck operators and tow business operations in Los Angeles have three significant authorities that govern their activities. They are the following:
- California State Laws - Towing-related laws are contained in many places, including most importantly in the Vehicle Code, Civil Code, but there are also important laws contained in the Penal Code, Corporations Code, Business & Professions Code
- Los Angeles Municipal Code - The name for all of the City of Los Angeles Laws and Ordinances, enforceable by LAPD and in Court
- Los Angeles Police Commission Rules & Regulations - A regulatory arm of the LAPD, which Grants Permits and Writes Rules That Govern Towing in City of Los Angeles.
All three of the authorities are sources of laws and regulations that you can use in court against a tow operation or tow truck operator. We break down all of the Laws and Regulations in detail in the following content. A good place to start is with the links below. But if you want to skip straight to a specific law or topic, go ahead and select it from the drop-down menu at the top of each page titled, "The Laws".
Additionally, we cover many other laws and regulations that can also be used in a case against a tow thug. We encourage you to not be overwhelmed by the quantity of laws. Most people who have been victimized by a tow thug are able to get their money back and more by referencing the only the California Vehicle Code and Civil Code.
Vehicle Code & Civil Code & Business & Professions Code - All State Laws Relating to Towing
Los Angeles Municipal Code
Los Angeles Municipal Code - Tow Operators & Tow Operations

Tow Permit Enforcement Agency Regulations -- Enforceable in Court
Local Laws - Regulations, Ordinances & Laws Specific to California Municipalities
Other sources of law and authorities that can be important include the following:
FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
USDOT - United States Department of Transportation